Links![]() Your Fishing and Hunting Authority for over 35 years. Phil Rowley is a good friend, stillwater fly fishing fanatic, and business partner. Phil and I have co-authored fly tying books and fly tying DVD's and conducted many seminars on the world of fly fishing in lakes. We developed the Stillwater Solutions line of fly tying materials and fish together whenever possible. Phil's website has a wealth of information on stillwater fly fishing, fly patterns, and fly fishing products.
The Freshwater Fisheries Society of BC delivers the provincial fish stocking program and is responsible for the marketing and promotion of freshwater sport fishing in the province. This website offers regional fishing guides, current and historic fish stocking records by region, links to purchasing your freshwater fishing license online and much more information on provincial fisheries resources.
Fly BC is a very popular online fly fishing bulletin board. All aspects of fly fishing in BC are covered on this website. It is a great venue for exchanging ideas on fly fishing tactics, fly patterns, information on specific rivers and streams, buy and sell, and discussion groups related to environmental issues affecting our sport.
Easily buy your freshwater license online. This is a website to register and purchase your freshwater fishing license, special license additions, and conservation stamps online. All that is needed is a credit card and a printer for printing the license.
Fishing with Rod is another very popular online resource for recreational fishing in BC. There are several discussion forums that cover all types of fishing techniques used in the province. This website also has links to many video clips that showcase fishing areas of BC.
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Waters FishedKamloops is located in the heart of some of the most productive trout fishing lakes in North America. In fact, there are about 80 good fishing lakes within a one hour drive of the city. The abundance of nearby waters can make it hard to choose where to go fishing for the day but over the years I have become quite familiar with a smaller number of waters, those that have good insect hatches, various size ranges of fish, and that offer a variety of fishing situations. I have also maintained detailed fishing diaries for over 3o years which are very useful in narrowing down where to go and what emerges to expect.
Many of the lakes I prefer to fish are managed for quality fishing experiences which typically means they are stocked with small numbers of triploid or sterile trout, have gear restrictions, and reduced limits. In other words, I like trying to catch bigger fish! I also like fishing lakes that have clear water and extensive shallow or shoal areas which offers the opportunity to sight fish to cruising trout.
On the other hand, there are many lakes with more abundant populations of rainbow trout or brook trout. These are great lakes to introduce someone to fly fishing, learn how to fish various techniques, and catch a bunch of fish.
The lakes around Kamloops support prolific insect and other invertebrate life as a result of extremely nutrient rich waters and surrounding land base. Prime trout food sources include chironomids or midges, freshwater shrimp, mayflies, damselflies, caddisflies, dragonflies, leeches, water boatmen, backswimmers, and occasionally forage fish. The vast majority of lakes are monocultures, supporting only trout populations. Combining abundant food sources, nutrient rich, shallow waters, and healthy stocks of trout go long ways in producing the great fishing we have in this area.
Depending on the waters fished, you have the opportunity to catch rainbow trout to the 10 pound range and higher. Many of the general limit lakes around Kamloops support populations of trout ranging in size from 12-20 inches or up to about 3 pounds. The diversity of fishing waters means there is something for all skill levels of anglers.
Waters Fished:::Fishing Local Waters
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