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Riseform Flyfishing Ventures BLOG » On the Waters » Starting the Spring Fishing Season off Right

Starting the Spring Fishing Season off Right

In early April I had the opportunity to spend a week fly fishing in Cuba with the boys from Sport Fishing on the Fly TV Show and other great guests.  We had a great time spending 6tdays on a big boat that moved during the week.  We fished a lot of good water for bonefish, tarpon and permit.  I am now hooked on tarpon fishing!!  Those fish pull but I am worried about the first few trout I set the hook on this spring!!  This is definitely a trip I will do again. It was great to get away while the local lakes are still frozen.  Here a few images of the fish and fishing action. 

Love those Tarpon Jumps!!Our home away from home

Filed under: On the Waters

2 Responses to "Starting the Spring Fishing Season off Right"

  1. Jay Mohl says:

    Looks like I found my next dream trip after seeing this Brian…toss up between Spring Steelhead and Tarpon in April!
    Hope you are well and look forward to catching up soon.


  2. Bob Taylor says:

    Looks like a great trip Brian. Lucky guy !